Recycle Rewards provides Tasmanian charities, community groups, environmental groups, sporting clubs and educational organisations new ways to raise funds. 

How to fundraise with Recycle Rewards

Recycle Rewards is an exciting fundraising channel that supports both your cause and also the local environment. It’s a win-win opportunity for the Tassie community. 

There are three ways for organisations to fundraise:

  1. Register as a Donation Partner and receive donations from the community
    At the refund point, your supporters can choose to donate their refund directly to your organisation.
  2. Host a container drive and collect eligible drink containers
    Have the public drop off eligible drink containers and once you’re ready you can take them to any refund point. We recommend a depot for larger quantities.
  3. Apply to run a donation point
    Interested charities or community groups can host a donation point.

How to Register

The Donation Partner registration system is live now to enable organisations to register as a Donation Partner ahead of the scheme commencement.

Promote your cause

If you’re a registered Donation Partner, encourage your supporters to donate their refunds to you and your cause at their refund point.

Our free toolkit will help you to promote your fundraising efforts with handy printable posters and materials that you can customise for your cause. 

Read the Donation Partner Guidelines

  • Provide TOMRA Cleanaway with the organisation’s name, address and contact information (identifying a member of the organisation as the primary point of contact);
  • Be an organisation that can demonstrate a broad community benefit in Tasmania;
  • Fulfil at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
    1. a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC); or
    2. an Incorporated Association granted a certificate of incorporation by the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs under the Associations Incorporation Act 1964 (Tas); or
    3. in the case of an unincorporated entity, the organisation has provided to the Network Operator a completed and duly signed statutory declaration confirming that the entity is a sporting, community, educational or environmental body that:

A. carries out activities in Tasmania; and

B. is established primarily for a charitable, community or educational purpose; and does not carry out activities for profit or gain;

  • provide TOMRA Cleanaway with documentation as is reasonably required (in the opinion of TOMRA Cleanaway ) to demonstrate that the organisation has a physical presence in Tasmania;
  • links to any public websites about the organisation (as is reasonably required by TOMRA Cleanaway);
  • confirmation as to whether or not the organisation has ‘Deductible Gift Recipient’ (DGR) status.
  • Evidence that the organisation has been operating for at least 12 months in Tasmania.
  • The Applicant demonstrates a willingness to use its own networks and resources to promote awareness of the partnership with the Scheme, its presence on the Recycle Rewards App, and its fundraising campaign with the Scheme to mutual advantage.
  • That the Applicant is reputable and of good standing in the community.
  • That, in the opinion of TOMRA Cleanaway, the Applicant is not a political party or an organisation associated with current political issues or political activism.
  • That, in the opinion of TOMRA Cleanaway, the Applicant is not associated with gambling, wagering, illegal drugs, tobacco or smoking as a primary source of the Applicant’s income.
  • That the Applicant is not associated with any illegal or criminal activity.
  • That the Applicant is not associated with any activity or publicity that could bring the Scheme or any of its stakeholders into controversy or disrepute.

Fundraising tips to get started

Plan your goal

Think about what method will work best for your campaign.

Promote your cause

Tell others how they can help- be sure to tell them to look for the 10c mark!

Get collecting

The more people involved the more you can earn.

Download our free toolkit

Our free toolkit will help you to promote your fundraising efforts with handy printable posters and materials that you can customise for your cause. 

Fundraising FAQ’s

What opportunities are there for charities, schools and community groups to participate in Recycle Rewards?

Recycle Rewards provides Tasmanian charities, community groups, environmental groups, sporting clubs and educational organisations new ways to raise funds.

  • You can apply to become a Donation Partner and receive refund donations from the community
  • Groups and organisations can host a container collection drive for the public to drop off eligible containers

This will encourage more community participation and education around recycling while ensuring charities and community groups can share in the cash benefits of recycling their used cans, bottles and cartons.

What is a Donation Partner?

A Donation Partner is a not-for-profit organisation such as a charity, school, sports club or community organisation that has been ruled eligible to be listed as a Donation Partner and who has set up a payment account with TOMRA Cleanaway.

Refunds can be donated to Donation Partners by any person returning an eligible drink container who chooses to do so.

I want to donate to an organisation who are not listed as a Donation Partner. What do I do?

You can get in touch with the charity, not-for-profit organisation, school, sports club or community group that you’d like to donate to and suggest they sign up!

Do my supporters need to use the app to donate?

Using the Recycle Rewards App makes it really easy to donate, but this is not the only way you can make a donation.  RVM machines will have selected charities featured on their payments screens and you will be able to scan a barcode provided by your favourite Donation Partner.

How much can we raise per drink container?

For every refund on an eligible drink container that is donated to your organisation you will receive the full 10 cents.